неделя, 11 декември 2016
Dear Colleagues and friends,
The non-profit organization “SO CLOSE, SO FAR”, in partnership with PanEuropa Bulgaria, has the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the first solo exhibition of the Bulgarian painter Yanko Tihov with the title “Where we belong”.
The event will be held in the gallery Rimini (2 Budapeshta Str., Sofia), on 19 December 2016 (Monday) at 7 p.m.
Exhibitions of the artist can be viewed in two galleries in London and in Geneva. His “Passport Maps” series has been represented by: National Portrait Gallery in London, Royal Academy of Arts, Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Christie’s Auctions and by many more art galleries and exhibitions. He has won awards and prizes from the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, the National Academy of Art, from the Open Society Foundation and more.
In one of his interviews the artist says “When you create art, you provoke yourself and others, as well”. Looking for such provocation, you will have the chance to find inspiration and new ideas in the spirit of Christmas.
For additional information, follow this links: