Lora Dimova graduated in 2007 from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with a degree in Porcelain and Glass. Since 2012 she has been working and living in Helsinki, Finland, where in 2015 she completed her master's degree in Fine Arts at the Aalto University of Art, Design and Architecture.
Her works have been presented in Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Estonia, India, China, Morocco, Poland, Russia, USA, Finland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, South Korea, and Japan.
Featured Performances: Finnish Sound Art, Immersion Room, Avery Fisher Center for Music and Media, Bobst Library, New York, USA (2019); Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2019); Holographic Worlds, solo exhibition, Huuto Gallery, Helsinki (2017); Kuolema, Art Museum, Mikkeli, Finland (2016); HUMANIMAL, La-bas Festival Performance, KIAZMA – Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland (2016); Contemporary Eastern European Ceramics, World Ceramics Center, Incheon, South Korea (2016); PARADISE LOST, solo exhibition, Third Space Gallery, Helsinki (2015); Erottaa + - Us, The Glue Factory, Glasgow, United Kingdom (2013); International Biennale for Contemporary Art, Casablanca, Morocco (2012); Qui Vive?International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow, Russia (2010).
Lora Dimova's works are focused on the inner world of the individual; the material and immaterial fields of reality and their illusory nature. Lora applies a variety of methods and media, varying in intensity – from the solid matter of porcelain to the ephemeral world of digital media, passing through her own body and reaching for the pure vibrations of language and sound.
The installation Celestial Bodyrecreates the transformation that is inherent in nature, in the world around us and in ourselves. At its core is the principle of decay of form and its transition from one state to another. Space and sky serve as a parallel, mirror projections of man and his universe.
The porcelain sculptures were made during the artist residency program Creative Residency Arita in Japan, January – March 2019. The project is supported by the Art Promotion Center, Finland.