Maximilian Pramatarov was born 1979 in Sofia, Bulgaria. 2002 MA in Theology, University of Sofia, Bulgaria. 2012 MA in Photograpy, University for Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria. SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Lost Tiger and ‘improved’ works, 0gms gallery, Sofia (2013); It's not the viewpoint, it's the view at 0gms gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria (2013); Three sharks (in love) edition photo, Vienna, Austria (2012); In-between, expositur, die Angewandte, Vienna (2012); Special guests - Baba Vasa’s Cellar – Shabla, Bulgaria (2010); post-tensions - c17 – Vienna, Austria (2008); EXHIBITIONS PARTICIPATIONS: Bulgarian Artists in Vienna. Contemporary Practices at the Beginning of the 21st Century, SofiaCityArtGallery (2013); Fashion!!! – what a coincidence!, Foto K, Vienna, Austria (2013); Verkligheten show, Coordinates (as part of the 0gms drawer), Umeå, Sweden (2013); Magnet & antimagnet, ICA, Sofia, Bulgaria (2012); Das schloss von herrn wittgenstein, Wittgenstein haus, Vienna, Austria (2012); Viennafair, presented by gallery 0gms (2012); Inklusion, Kunstraum am schauplatz, Vienna, Austria (2012); BAZA award nominations, Sofia city Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria(2012); The essence 12 - Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna (2012); Happily ever after - Foto-raum, Vienna (2012).
Lives and works in Vienna and Sofia
"I’m not impressed with massive stuff; I like looking at small things. Details are quite important for me, I like ‘in-between’ situations; I present the viewer with a situation but don’t say what it is. I give a hint, indicate the hidden in everyday life. Just suggest it, not put‐it‐in‐your‐face. This is how I explore the world. The topics of my work are different measures of conflicts and confronts, hidden in our ordinary everyday life."